The Life Of A Youtuber

The digital technology is treading with a very fast pace and the result of these whirlwind changes has led social networking sites to invade the lives of millions of people. Youtube, it’s one of those name that everyone familiarise with. From simple cooking recipes to complex and mind-boggling maths problems, from makeup trends to latest movie trailers, one can find videos for almost everything on youtube. Studies show that more than one billion unique users use youtube daily. This meteoric prominence of youtube has led many people to use youtube as a platform to build their identity and they are called youtuber or video bloggers. Many youtubers today have earned a renowned name with thousands of people subscribed to their channel.


One name that stands distinctively among the crowd is Scherezade Shroff. Shroff is a famous fashion and beauty youtuber. Born and brought up in Mumbai, Scherezade Shroff tentatively stepped into the world of modelling at 16. Not only did she ace in the field of modelling, she also holds Law degree from the Govt. College of Law.  Under the guidance of Boman Irani, she earned her first modelling assignment at an early age and she was quite successful in what she did. Appraised for a peaches-and-cream complexion, luscious locks and open smile, she has modelled for Nokia, Del Monte, Lipton Green Tea, Volkswagen, Clinic All Clear, LG, Dabur Honey, Maruti, Compaq Computers, Bausch and Lomb, Reliance, Metro Shoes and World Gold Council among other brands. She decided to put her law degree on hold, and continue as a model. She started her website and was eventually approached by Fashiontube and she worked for considerably long time with fashiontube. It wasn’t long before she started her own channel “scherezade shroff” and attracted lots of followers.


As a successful youtuber, she talks about her journey into the territory of youtube. “ It doesn’t really matter what you study. I was always inclined towards modelling. I also had interest in Law and consequently i graduated from Govt. college of Law. I didn’t practice law. I didn’t really know what i had to do in life. I was encouraged by my friends to start my own blogging site but at a point of time I realised that am not really a writing person. I was eventually approached by Fashiontube and thus started my career as a video blogger. Working with them made me realise how much i love to do this. I finally got to know what i want to do in my life. I resolved to abandon fashion tube and took a leap of faith. I started my own channel. Now i can shoot wherever i want, however i want and can edit my own videos myself. This is how i realised what i want to be in life.” Albeit, the life of a you tuber may seem to be a facile task but in reality it’s vice-versa. From shooting your own videos to edit them, from attending meetings to different photoshoots, Video blogging is quite a challenging task. “There’s a lot of hardwork. It has been a roller coaster ride for me”, says Shroff, “ But i could easily do it because this is where my passion lies. For being successful in any field, you’ve to be true to yourself. You should do what you do. Don’t be afraid to express yourself.” She describes a day in a you tuber’s life as crazily hectic but also adds that its fun when you do what you love.


Shroff is among those names who brilliantly used youtube as a platform for a successful career. Hr channel on youtube has thousands of followers. She makes fashion and beauty videos and her videos are liked by many. Shroff is an inspiration for many and she advices everyone to do what you love, believe in your gut felling. Scherezade Shroff is an example of how change in digital trends has opened various career opportunities for people and also, social networking sites hold some of the great career opportunities as it is the only way to connect to millions of people.

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